Expedited Naturalization Under INA Section 319(b)

Section 319(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), allows the spouses of United States citizens employed by certain employers overseas, to expedite their applications for citizenship and naturalize without having to meet the residency requirements normally required to become a United States citizen.
In order to qualify for expedited naturalization under INA Section 319(b), an applicant must meet the following requirements:
- The applicant must be a lawful permanent resident.
- The applicant must be legally married to a United States citizen.
- The United States citizen spouse must be employed abroad by one of the following types of organizations:
- The United States government;
- An institution recognized as an American Institution of Research by the Attorney General;
- A United States corporation or its subsidiary in the development of foreign trade or commerce;
- A public international organization; or
- An organization engaged in ministerial or missionary work.
- The United States citizen spouse must be employed abroad by their employer for at least one year.
- The applicant must demonstrate a good faith intent to live abroad with their United States citizen spouse after being granted citizenship.
- The applicant must demonstrate a good faith intent to return and live in the United States upon their spouse’s termination of employment abroad.
Application Procedures
Unlike under the normal naturalization process, an applicant seeking expedited naturalization can apply while outside the United States. The applicant will only need to re-enter the United States to interview with a USCIS officer, and to be sworn in as a United States citizen. At the time an applicant applies for expedited naturalization, they can choose which USCIS field office they want to process their application.
When choosing a field office, there are several factors to consider. First, application processing times vary from field office to field office. In addition, some field offices are better able to accommodate travel plans better than other offices. Finally, some offices offer the option to be sworn in as a United States citizen the same day as the naturalization interview while other offices do not.
In general, we have found that the USCIS filed office in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has been very flexible in accommodating the travel schedules of individuals scheduling expedited naturalization interviews. In addition, the Pittsburgh field office generally accommodates applicants seeking same day oath ceremonies. Therefore, Hartzman Law Firm recommends processing through the USCIS Pittsburgh Field Office if possible. However, Hartzman Law Firm can request expedited naturalizations at any USCIS filed office.
Speak to a Knowledgeable Immigration Attorney Today
Applying for expedited naturalization is a complicated and time consuming process. There are many documents and specific information that needs to be provided to USCIS. In addition, it can be confusing trying to navigate which USCIS field office to apply at and how to make adequate travel plans to complete the naturalization process.
If you or someone you know would like assistance with expedited naturalization, Hartzman Law Firm is here to help. Attorney Hartzman is extremely experienced with INA Section INA 319(b) and has helped numerous applicants apply for expedited naturalization at USCIS field offices throughout the country.
If you would like to learn more about how Hartzman Law Firm can help you apply for citizenship, please call us at (412) 495-9849 or fill out a contact form online. We offer free consultations in person, by phone, and by secure video conferencing. Weekend consultations are also available by request.
Call us! We are here to help you!